アメリカ海軍艦艇 レンジャー級航空母艦1番艦 レンジャー  模型・プラモデル・本のおすすめリスト

コルセア・アルマダ 1/700

1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー
1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

- B009KZCF18
1/700 米海軍空母 CV-4 レンジャー

売り上げランキング :


Uss Ranger: The Navy's First Flattop from Keel to Mast, 1934-46
Robert J. Cressman, Potomac Books Inc 2003-11-01
Uss Ranger: The Navy's First Flattop from Keel to Mast, 1934-46

USS Ranger (CV-4) was the U.S. Navy's first aircraft carrier to be built as such from the keel up. In peacetime, the Ranger helped maintain Franklin D. Roosevelt's Good Neighbour Policy, served as a platform for the development of new methods for the operation of carriers and carrier aircraft, continued the Navy's work in cold-weather flight operations, pioneered director-controlled anti-aircraft fire, and trained many naval aviators. During World War II, the Ranger occupied centre stage in Operation Torch (against the Vichy French positions in North Africa in 1942) and Operation Leader (against German shipping in 1943), which was the U.S. Navy's only carrier operation above the Arctic Circle during the war.

US NAVY FACT FILE Aircraft Carriers CV-4 USS Ranger (English Edition)
USN, 2009-07-11
US NAVY FACT FILE Aircraft Carriers CV-4 USS Ranger (English Edition)